Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pro-life calls succeed -- pro-abort bill tabled

Dear Pro-Lifers

I've just gotten word that our effort to fight HB-5615 in the
Illinois General Assembly has succeeded!

The bill never passed out of committee before the House deadline,
which means the bill is tabled for the year. I thought you'd like
to know that all the phone calls and e-mails paid off.

Praise be to God!

Yours for Life,
Eric Scheidler
Communications Director
Pro-Life Action League
Tel: 630-896-1200
Pro-Life Action League,
6160 N Cicero Ave, Ste 600,
Chicago, IL 60646, USA

Fw: Thomas More Society Files Motions Defending Illinois Parental Notice Law

Thomas More Society
29 South LaSalle Street, Suite 440
Chicago, IL 60603   (312) 782-1680
MN Supreme Ct
March 14, 2008

Parental Involvement in Abortion Decisions of Minor Daughters Blocked Dirksen Federal Bldg - ChicagoBy Federal Court 

Thomas More Society Files Motions Asking Federal Judge in Chicago To Reconsider Decision
Concerns Over Whether the Attorney General Will Defend Parental Notice
On Thursday, March 13, 2008, Thomas More Society attorneys filed motions (see Motion 1 and Motion 2) asking Judge David Coar to reconsider his recent decision that the Illinois Parental Notice Act of 1995 is unconstitutional. 

Judge Coar based his decision against the Notice Act on its lack of a consent provision.  However, the required consent provision is provided by another statute, the Illinois "Consent by Minors to Medical Treatment Act," which was not cited in the court's decision. Nor was it cited by the Attorney General.


Due to this effort by the Thomas More Society, along with the public outcry generated by numerous church and pro-life groups, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan also filed a Notice of Appeal in the case on the same day, March 13, although prior to Thursday, Attorney General Madigan's office had not responded to repeated requests to meet, or at least for assurances that the Parental Notice Act would be vigorously defended.

For Additional Information... 
Please see the full coverage of this story on our website, including the following:

Thomas More Society documents:

Related documents:

About the Thomas More Society 
The Thomas More Society is a nonprofit, public interest law firm based in Chicago which provides legal counsel and defense for those who work to protect innocent human life.
We provide free legal advice and assistance to those who face harassment, employment discrimination, unjust treatment, civil litigation or criminal prosecution as a result of their pro-life views or their peaceful protest activities. In the last several years, we have scored two decisive victories before the U.S. Supreme Court in the nationwide federal class action suit, NOW v. Scheidler.
The Society is supported solely by donations. To help fund our efforts or learn more about our work, visit www.thomasmoresociety.org.
Thomas More Society * 29 S. LaSalle St. Suite 440 * Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 782-1680 * info@thomasmoresociety.org

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


We need your help TODAY to defeat the most sweeping pro-abortion bill ever proposed in Illinois: HB-5615, the "Reproductive Justice and Access Act" and the E.R.A.
House Bill 5615 represents a RADICAL & UNPRECEDENTED departure from current Illinois law regarding abortion, public funding of abortion, health care right of conscience, and comprehensive sex education.
HB-5616 would:
   *  Kill all restrictions on abortion in the state, including parental notification and the partial birth abortion ban.
   *  Force pro-life health care professionals to cooperate in abortion by making abortion referrals.
   *  Mandate "comprehensive" sex-ed programs, which promote promiscuity and undermine the family, for all public schools.
   *  Require taxpayers to fund abortions through medicaid.
   *  Keep abortion 100% legal in Illinois if Roe v. Wade is ever overturned in the Supreme Court.
It is expected that this bill will pass through committee tomorrow and then quickly go to the House floor for a vote. We must act now to defeat this pernicious bill!
Contact your state rep TODAY and say, "Vote NO on HB-5615." Here are some tools to help you:
  *  If you know who your state rep is, get contact info here:
  *  Look up your state rep and get contact info here:
It is especially important that doctors, nurses pharmacists and other health care professionals call.
31 remaining key NO votes, ERA on the second reading on the IL House Floor
The ERA's 2008 battle royale is in the Illinois House.  The last time the Equal Rights Amendment was called and voted on in Illinois was 2005, when it passed the House in a 76 to 41 vote, and shutdown in the Senate which fell short of the needed 3/5 majority support.  Since 2003, several House members have retired or moved to the Senate.  Of the 41 "Nos," 31 remain.
The ERA will further entrench abortion in our society and legally mandate taxpayer funding for elective abortions. The New Mexico Supreme Court recently ruled under their state ERA that since only women undergo abortions, the denial of taxpayer funding is "sex discrimination" (N.M. Right to Choose/NARAL v. Johnson, 975 P.2d 841, 1998).
Clearly the ERA will harm women, families, society, and the structure of our government. 
Contact your state senator and representative and ask them to vote against the ERA.  For contact information on your representative, please visit http://www.elections.il.gov/DistrictLocator/AddressSearch.aspx
Once again the ERA is in the Illinois House as HJRCA0002 and will come up for a House vote shortly.  The Equal Rights Amendment will not help women; instead it will harm women, their families, and our society.
For more information on these bills please visit our website at www.ifrl.org
To wrap up, contact your Representative and ask them to vote "NO" on HOUSE BILL 5615 (Reproductive Justice and Access Act), and to OPPOSE HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 0002 (The Equal Rights Amendment).  Then call your Senator and ask them to OPPOSE HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 0002 (The Equal Rights Amendment).
Look up your state rep and get contact info please visit: http://www.elections.il.gov/DistrictLocator/AddressSearch.aspx